🚢 Last May 22nd and 23rd, the General Assembly meeting of the Consortium of the CLIMAS Project was hosted in the Conference Hall of the Municipality of Chios.

📜 Partners gathered to discuss the first year of research, and share advancements and preliminary results. The team alternated usual updates on task advancements with interactive activities and workshops: we worked on evaluating scenarios, determining exploitation paths and adapting our informative documents to the different target groups.

🔍CLIMAS aims to strengthen the participation of citizens in the formulation of policies for adaptation and resilience to climate change, through climate assemblies. Citizen participation is critical for island societies which are particularly sensitive to climate change impacts on water availability, agriculture and tourism. After the experience of the Catalan Climate Assembly supported by Generalitat de Catalunya and deliberativa, two other assemblies are planned in autumn: Riga thanks to Green Liberty | Zaļā brīvība and and Edermünde with ifok GmbH.

Thanks to the University of the Aegean, a Living Lab was established on the island and CLIMAS tools were successfully co-created and are going to be tested thanks to contributions from three Living Labs throughout Europe: Ebro-Delta, Vilnius and Chios.

Stay updated and follow us on Linkedin or more details on our research on our website www.climas-project.eu

We thank once again all partners for joining and, in particular, Anna Maria Kotrikla and Amalia Polydoropoulou for the smooth logistics, perfect organisation and delightful breaks we could enjoy after our full day meetings.

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