Recently, the European Policy Centre organised an online Policy Dialogue entitled “Green civic engagement: The role of technology”. The dialogue aimed to discuss ways in which participatory democracy can support the green transition. In addition, the intention was to highlight how digital solutions can contribute to citizen engagement in the sustainability sphere. Indeed, participatory exercises have spread throughout the European Union in recent years to foster the green transition.
“Green civic engagement: The role of technology” webinar was conducted on 10 October 2023 online and shared on the European Policy Centre website.

Figure 2. Poster of the event
Participatory democracy invites citizens to play a more active role, helping to find and implement grassroots solutions. For this reason, participatory exercises can make it possible to address difficult political trade-offs and foster community action. In this context, the use of digital solutions, such as online platforms, AI and apps, can foster civic activism.
The conference involved several participants from different backgrounds. In particular, we list below the speakers who discussed green civil engagement:
- Anthony Zacharzewski
President, The Democratic Society - Mark Hessellund Beanland
KNOCA Coordinator at the Danish Board of Technology - Monika Mačiulienė
Senior Researcher of the CLIMAs Project, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University - Stefan Sipka
Senior Policy Analyst & Acting Head of the Sustainable Prosperity for Europe Programme, European Policy Centre - Summer Kern
Senior Lawyer, Justice and Environment, and European ECO Forum Focal Point for the Aarhus Convention Compliance Committee. - Laura Rayner (acted as moderator)
Senior Policy Analyst at the Social Europe and Welfare Programme, European Policy Centre
As a representative of the CLIMAS project, Dr. Monika Mačiulienė from VILNIUS TECH presented the project and discussed the role of integrating Climate Assemblies, Citizen Science and other participatory approaches for a more deliberative climate policy.
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